Michelangelo once remarked that within every block of marble lies a sculpture waiting to be uncovered by the artist. My goal has been to create software that generates "blocks" of musical "marble" that a user can "sculpt". That goal is realized in QuasiFractal Composer.

I use the term quasifractal loosely to describe a structure that exhibits self-similarity at various discrete scales. It is that fractal-like quality that QFC shares with the branching "veins" that individualize each piece of polished marble.

What is quasifractal music? It derives from both serialism and fractal music, and in it you will hear elements of both. In terms of form, it is intensely cyclic. It uses algorithms to keep it in touch with traditional musical structures. And just to keep it fresh and surprising, there is a sprinkling of stochastics. It can turn out techno-ambient, impressionistic, jazz-like, or occasionally even neo-classical. I like to refer to it as neo-post-war idiosyncratic. No matter how you label it, quasifractal music is not your father's avant-garde.

Finally, I would like to dedicate QuasiFractal Composer to the artists whose works and writings influenced its development: Pierre Boullez, Arnold Schoenberg, Igor Stravinsky, and Frank Zappa.

New...if you like QFC, you'll love Tangent, my newest generative music program! Drop in and check it out at www.randomtunes.com
