QuasiFractal Composer 2.01

QuasiFractal Composer is freeware that has been evolving since 1997. Like the previous versions, QFC version 2.01 (released 5/28/99) has controls for structure, mapping, variation, tracks, tempo, tonality, and 16 MIDI channels (instrument, transposition, volume, pan). Additionally, QFC has a dozen controls that map the quasifractal structure into the following compositional parameters:

active voices note pitch & duration
period length & repetition glissando & pointillism
phrase length & mirroring rhythm & rhythm track
current key dynamics
Other features include:
predefined & user-defined scales melody-to-structure translation
fixed & variable phrase lengths track-to-channel MIDI mapping
fade & smoothing improved documentation
orchestration files support for international settings
Downloading QFC

To get your free copy of QuasiFractal Composer (Win 95/98):

1. click on one of the download buttons (below),
2. unzip the file (qfc.zip) into a temporary directory, and
3. run "setup.exe" to install QFC as a Windows application.

 from primary site
 from secondary site


QFC is constantly being refined, improved, and (yes) fixed. If you want to keep up to date on new releases, you should check this web page from time to time. If you are really curious about new developments, just send me an e-mail.

New...if you like QFC, you'll love Tangent, my newest generative music program! Drop in and check it out at www.randomtunes.com
